I'm back. Booyakasha.
Seriously, who has the time to write a blog. Not me, obviously, considering that it has been nearly 4 months to the day that I wrote my last post. I guess the whole point of this thing was to get a rolling start by writing about my trip and then continue to write things. However, every one has a blog, and just about all of those people are really self-important pricks about it. I don't give a shit about your college football picks for this week. Oh, you're live-blogging something? Great, I don't care. I understand that it's like the Bruce Campbell Old Spice commercial - to get experience you have to have experience and you don't have it, you can't get it. All that myth of Sisyphus, perpetual motion, paradoxic bullshit. I understand that, but if you're not Deadspin or someone else good, get bent. I guess that even has a strange ironic twist to it because why would you even bother reading this when I'm just some nobody? Exactly. They say that the average number of readers of a blog is one. That's right, one. That means that there are some that have none, which I guess means that the author doesn't count. And since I am the only one reading this, I will celebrate my return however I please. Just like this. So, I'm back like Jay-Z motherfuckers.

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