Friday, November 17, 2006

T-minus 5.5 hours + a protest

Just trying to kill some time at work until I get to take off. In the meantime, I am trying to think of ways to protest this. If you have the time, watch the video, it is pretty disturbing. Just goes to show that cops are just a bunch of power hungry, penis envy driven assholes who have nothing better to do than abuse. While I understand the need for security, repeatedly tasering a student while his wrists have been restrained is wholly unnecessary. Sure, he didn't leave right away, but he was only being verbally abusive and I have to imagine that there are plenty of less violent ways to restrain a resistor. Getting the taser for refusing to stand while they could have easily dragged him out is pretty fucked up. I think N.W.A says it best - fuck the police. I hope the entire UCLA community is up in arms and that things like this will stop.


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