Zooh! Zurich

Today, Alex and I went to the zoo. Now, this was not an ordinary zoo, at least not by my zoo standards. About a year ago, she and I went to the National Zoo in Washington, DC. We spent the entire time wondering where all the cool animals were. Lamest. Zoo experience. Ever. I couldn't have been more disappointed. But today, I forgot all about that. I mean, I'm sure there are some good zoos out there, but this one is definitely world class. I have never seen a zoo that had such a variety of animals and such a clean and pleasant setting. There were absolutely no empty cages, and no sad looking animals. I think we saw just about everything. Flamingos, rhinos, buffalos, elephants, tons of different monkeys, birds, fish, snakes, lions, tigers, everything. We were like two 5 year old kids running around. And I haven't even gotten to the best part yet. But first, here are some of the guys that we saw.
Mustache monkey!

Monkey jam

Flamingo party

Mr. Rhinoceros

Anteaters making out, trust me, that really is what they are doing.

Ok, now the best part. I would almost go so far as to say that this was a seminal moment in my life. Ok, maybe that's a bit much, but this was one of the god-damndest things I have ever seen. You saw at the beginning our handsome penguin friend (a king penguin, by the way). Well, toward the entrance to the zoo, they have a little habitat with about 15 or 20 of those guys. And once a day, they open up the gate and have a Pinguinparade, that's right, a penguin parade. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life. These little dudes just toddle around, looking at people, flapping their wings, taking a walk. Everyone follows them as they take a lap around the zoo. Absolutely hilarious. I think I saw a kid of about 3 that had the same look on his face that I did. Anyway, we loved it. I'm sure you'd rather see it than hear me talk about it, so here are some pics.

Yes, it was awesome as it looks. I'm not exactly sure if I can explain to you what this really looked like, but I think you get the idea. We are just spening the evening in the apartment as little Alex has school tomorrow. But I will get to check out ETH (her university) tomorrow and hopefully get some more cool pics. Again, I would like to think that I will get all my photos posted to flickr pretty soon, so check it out and see if I actually followed through with that. I will eventually. We end today with a few warnings from your friendly folks at the Zurich zoo.

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