Mein Erster Tag
See, I pick up the native language pretty quickly, huh? Well, not really, my translator had to help me with that one. It says "my first day", by the way. Anyway, a minor delay in Washington, DC and then an 8 hour transatlantic flight are seemingly far behind me at this point. And I would have been pretty bored if it wasn't for the ability to watch Talladega Nights on the plane. Well, I'm the best there is. Plain and simple, when I wake up in the morning I piss excellence - hilarious. I arrived in Zurich just before 8 am local time and immediately began soaking in the culture.

The beautiful Alexandra greeted me at the gate and we hit the train and headed for home. Zurich is a beautiful city; incredibly clean, beautifully classic architecture, and the views around the lake are breathtaking. Put simply, I dig it. Alex's apartment is very cool. You can see the lake from the balcony and the Swiss Alps in the distance from the window. Very cool. We spent yesterday afternoon walking all over the city, just checking out shops and cafes and things. Walked past the Swiss Opernhaus, which is pretty cool.

After that, we crossed the bridge and walked down the Bahnhofstrasse, which is the posh shoppin avenue in Zurich and also the home of many Swiss banks and financial companies. The third photo is the Credit Suisse building.

Then we went home and after sleeping off the jet lag, went out and had and an amazing dinner at an Italian restaurant and went clubbing. Not too bad for a first day.
After playing cable guy, we spent quite a bit of time watching crazy German tv. Everything here is so familiar; the concepts are the same, but everything is very very different. I suppose that is the way it is in cities around the civilized world - public transportation, cafes, shops, sidewalks, people, etc, but it's all done in just a different way that makes it so incredibly interesting. Ok, more tomorrow. And if you were wondering, yes, there are McDonald's in Zurich.

I'll eventually put all my pictures here, since these don't capture everything.
Labels: zurich
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