In medias res
And we begin my epic tale in the middle of things. To be perfectly honest, sloth and booze have prevented me from posting any pictures up until this point. While my lady has been laboring intently over her paper, I have been either sleeping or lounging, so not much to report. However, she should be finishing her manifesto this evening and we can enjoy the rest of the week unencumbered. As I suppose it is a shame that I have been sleeping until 1pm and then not seeing the other side of the door until the early evening, you have my word that these next few days will be far more involved. Now, on to some random pictures that I have taken.
Here is little Ali, dutifully toiling away.

Here's a nice view across Lake Zurich

Alex in the Niederdorf

While walking by the lake, we saw this guy balancing rocks. He sometimes took minutes and sometimes just a few seconds to balance the rocks on each other. He just used rocks that he could find. It was very neat.

In such a liberal place, he had to make a Che Guevara rock. Fight the power.

Just some folks hanging out by the lake on a beautiful day.

Yours truly, strolling by the Lake

Positively breathtaking view of the Alps in the distance, to the South.

Cool pic of the lake at dusk. That'll do it for now. Be back later today or tomorrow, with hope.